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28 articles
Understanding the registration dashboard
How to set up the registration form for your event?
How to show different fields to the attendees in the registration form based on their ticket selection?
How to conditionally hide and show fields to the attendee in the registration form based on their answer to a previous field?
How to add a free ticket to your event?
How to add a paid ticket to your event?
How to select the currency to use for your event to sell paid tickets?
How to Import ticket types?
How to create private tickets which become accessible to the attendee upon entering a secret code?
How to disable a ticket so that it does not show up in the registration form?
How to setup ticket type to become available after a certain time, and become unavailable after a certain time?
How to setup fields in a way that a particular option can only be selected only by limited number of attendees?
How to create add-ons that the attendee can purchase?
How to allow attendees to upgrade their ticket after purchase?
How to set up a coupon to provide a percentage of the cart value as a discount?
How to set up a coupon to provide a flat discount on ticket purchases?
How to set up coupon codes to apply only to specific tickets?
How to embed the registration form on your event website?
How to customise the colour scheme of the embed form?
How to configure the registration confirmation mailer, which is sent automatically when an attendee registers?
How to scope a mailer to be sent only to a subset of the registered attendees?
How to schedule a mailer so that it is sent automatically at a future time?
How to automatically send a receipt to attendees buying a paid ticket?
How to create reminder mailers that can be sent to registered attendees?
How to check the analytics of Mailers?
How to check the Net Sales of Registration?
How to add separate Checkboxes for Terms of Service and Privacy Policy on the Registration Form?
How to cancel an attendee’s registration?