1. In the event dashboard click on "Content" tab from the sidebar.
2. Click "Create a page"
3. Select the feature you would like to add and click "Create".
4. Click on "Go To App Layout" on the top, as shown below.
Tip: You can also Navigate and click on Event App> App Layout page from the sidebar.
5. Click "Add Page"
6. To unhide a page, click the + icon on the feature card under "Available Pages," and it will be added to the App Layout.
Note: Alternatively, you can drag and drop the desired feature page into the layout.
7. You can click and drag the indicator to rearrange the feature pages within the App Layout.
8. To remove/hide a page, click on the 3 dot icon on the left of a card.
Here, you will also be able to change the settings or edit the content within.
9. All pages added to this section will be displayed in the Event App.