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Requirements for Content Upload
Requirements for Content Upload
Updated over 11 months ago

1. App Logo (mandatory) - 1024 width x 1024 height px Max size 5MB

2. Background Image (Mobile app only) - 1080 width x 1920 height px

JPG or PNG Max size 5MB

3. Splash Image (mandatory)- 1080 width x 1920 height px JPG Max

size 5MB

4. Splash Gif - 1080 width x 1920 height px Gif Max size 10MB

5. Intro Screen - 1080 width x 1920 height px JPG Max size 5MB (can

add up to 4 intro screens.

6. Ad strip - 640 width x 60 height px JPG or PNG Up to 5MB.

7. Banner Image (Web app only) - 1920 width x 960 height px JPG or

PNG up to 5MB.

8. Feature icon- 300 width x 300 height px JPG or PNG up to 5MB

9. Custom banner in a session - 1920 width x 1080 height px JPG or PNG up

to 5MB

10. Documents - Accepted Formats - PDF / Excel / PPT / DOC / TXT /

JPG / PNG / GIF Up to 10 MB

11. Booth Logo - 1024width x 1024 height px JPG or PNG Max size 5MB

12. Booth Cover Image- 1920 width x 1080 height px JPG or PNG up to 5MB

13. Folder banner image- 640 width x 360 height px JPG or PNG up to 5MB

14. Sponsor Cover Image- 640 width x 360 height px JPG or PNG up to 5MB

15. Sponsor Logo - 180 width x 180 height px JPG or PNG up to 5MB

16. User Profile Image- 540 width x 540 height px JPG or PNG up to 5MB

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