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How to export all the posts in the activity wall as an Excel sheet?
How to export all the posts in the activity wall as an Excel sheet?
Updated over a month ago

1. In the event dashboard click on "Content" from the side bar.

2. Click on the Timeline page to open the activity wall page, which lists all attendees' posts.

3. Click on “Download” top-right to open the export modal.

4. The "Download" option will provide you with 2 options. Download Posts and Download Images & Videos.

5. You can select a specific time range or choose to expose everything.

6. Click "Export"

7. There is an option to export to email, which is enabled by default. If this option is enabled, the posts are sent as an Excel attachment to your email.

Tip: If you are exporting many posts, it is recommended to export via email.

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